Big sisters/little sisters
Big sisters/little sisters
Big sisters/little sisters

This year, Cahal’s grade 7—8 class in Torah Academy for Girls embarked on a wonderful yearlong project that broadened their horizons and connected them to another community. The girls were matched up with a third-grade little-sister class in Shalsheles, a kiruv school in Brooklyn. Each student received a little sister pen pal and stayed in touch with her during the year by sending letters and prizes. For Purim, the girls decorated and sent elaborate mishloachmanos and even videoed a funny Purim play to share the spirit of Purim with their little sisters. The project culminated when they invited their little-sister class to attend their Hebrew book fair on June 10. The fair showcased each student’s original Hebrew children’s book, which she had written and illustrated.

Excitement ran high as the students from grade 7—8 waited for their little sisters to arrive. At long last, their bus pulled up and the third-graders entered the TAG classroom. Each TAG big sister introduced herself, brought her sister to her seat, and read the story she wrote to her little sister. It was beautiful to watch the shy little third-graders slowly open up to their big sisters as they listened to the book being read to them and chatted about what they had in common. Cupcakes and drinks were served to each pen-pal pair. Following the book-reading, the girls decorated canvas bags with their little sisters, and several pairs even exchanged bags with each other or autographed their sister’s bag. The event ended with the third-graders presenting gifts to their big sisters and both sides promised to keep writing over the summer. As TAG’s grade 7—8 class walked their little-sister class down to the front door, there was a genuine sense of camaraderie and friendship between the classes. They took pictures together and waved goodbye as their little sisters left TAG. Overall, the Hebrew book fair was a smashing success as it served as a vehicle to connect the two classes together and celebrated the publishing of the students’ Hebrew books. Although the official school year is over, the lessons of unity, patience, selflessness, and sensitivity learned from this pen-pal project will stay with TAG’s grade 7—8 for a long time.


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