With so many men and women on the dating scene, and with so many of them having negative experiences on both sides, how can an older person get past...
An Urgent Message For The Community: Think Before You Post
By Misaskim
It has come to our attention that the parents of a 10-year-old boy who tragically died found out about his death via WhatsApp groups before the chevra kadisha...
Souls On Fire
Caption: Karla bentching lulav and esrog at Sushi & Scotch in the Sukkah
Rabbi Chaim with his morning chavrusas, Chaim and Avi Abramson at the Chai Lifeline Gala
The Kever of...
Respect and Acceptance
DISCLAIMER: The following column is a composite of several different experiences I have had with clients. It does not depict a specific encounter. This story is not about you!
Stepford Children
My great uncle was Reb Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, who began Torah education in the U.S., and my wife is a direct descendant of Rav Moshe Ben Maimon, the Rambam....
The Psychology Of Mediation: Why It Works
Mediation isn’t just a formal sit-down where people hash out their differences over cold coffee and awkward silences. It’s an intricate dance of psychology, a masterclass in human connection,...
Down The Slippery Slope
What would happen if an infant was born with the intellect of an adult? A philosopher wrote long ago that the infant would die of shame. A great Rabbinic...
Stories Of Hope
By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence
Exactly two weeks ago, while 30,000 feet in the sky, my brother posted the podcast “Stories of Hope” with Tzipora Grodko that Jeremy and I...
A High Bar To Meet
I am engaged to the girl of my dreams. She is exactly what I’ve been looking for and could not find. And she is equally crazy about me. Truthfully,...
Bagel Store: The Shul Next Door
Sukkos is here, baruch Hashem, the great holiday of celebrating our personal accomplishments over the prior two weeks — or six weeks, actually — as we refreshed and recalibrated...