Mediation And Mental Health: A Healing Process?
There are few things more exhausting than a good old-fashioned argument. Whether it’s a shouting match with a neighbor about their ever-expanding lawn ornaments or a passive-aggressive text exchange...
He Said/She Said
DISCLAIMER: The following column is a composite of several different experiences I have had with clients. It does not depict a specific encounter. This story is not about you!
The Avodah of Winter Break
By Yochanan Gordon
Semantics are very important in a life that is guided by faith. It should not go unnoticed, then, that many of us refer to the current period...
Some people call me a ba’al teshuvah or a flip-out, but I think I just became more frum. My parents are traditional and they sent me to day school,...
Tu B’Shevat
Tu B’Shevat
As the rav in my minyan, it is my role to lead the monthly Birchas HaChodesh, the prayer announcing the forthcoming new month. My congregants know that I select a tune each...
Clear As Day
Clear As Day
NOTE: This article is about a serious health procedure that saves lives but that people are afraid of undergoing. I understand that a lot of readers are...
He Said/She Said
DISCLAIMER: The following column is a composite of several different experiences I have had with clients. It does not depict a specific encounter. This story is not about you!
The Unpublished Songs
By Yochanan Gordon
The following is written partly in jest. I say this because it could be seen as somewhat posturing or presumptuous to write about myself in these terms....
The Sunshine (less) State
By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence
Once upon a time, I remember when telling friends you were going to Florida for winter break, it was considered a top destination. I may...