New Buyers With Allergies

Allergies may not be the first point typically considered when the subject of real estate comes up, but for some buyers who suffer from serious allergic reactions to a...

Estate Planning: There’s Something Here For Everyone, Part II

Recently, this series examined the benefits of creating an Estate Plan and made the point that while many individuals think that they need only a “simple plan” because they...

Love, Loss, And Mediation: Navigating Grief And Estate Conflicts

  Few things bring out the best and worst in people like grief. Add a disputed will or an unclear estate plan, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a...

Musings Of A Shliach From Montana

    Musings Of A Shliach From Montana When we landed in Bozeman to start our shlichus on the 23rd of Adar, 5767 (March 13, 2007), it was close to midnight on...

Dating Forum

 Question I am trying to help my nephew find a shidduch, but he is getting rejected because he has mild cerebral palsy. Shadchanim think that all he deserves is a...

He Said/She Said

DISCLAIMER: The following column is a composite of several different experiences I have had with clients. It does not depict a specific encounter. This story is not about you! There...

Don’t Get A Head Of Yourself

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, is that’s we’re in severe need of good news these days. Unfortunately, we can’t even all agree on what would...

Hashta Ba’agala: Now And Swiftly

  Several years ago, I treated a soldier from the IDF who had returned to America after serving in combat. A young single man, he had gone off to study...

Happiness in the Face of Adversity

Happiness in the Face of Adversity Part 4 of 5: Focus on Your Share “Always thank G-d for all the good that you have (and for the bad that you don’t...

Worth A Thousand Words

By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence Developing pictures from my phone has always been a struggle for me. I told you about almost deleting my entire inbox and camera roll, containing somewhere...

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Unexpected Voice Creates Many Ripples

Almost four years ago, I began as a guest on “Bernie & Sid in the Morning,” a popular radio show on 77 WABC, a...
Donald Trump meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan 2-11-25

Pesach In Gaza

By Larry Gordon In a manner of speaking, it’s close to what it’s like to fall in love with someone. It’s not that I’m so...

An Unusual Man

  What do you do when you’re away from home and you need technical assistance for your computer or laptop? If you understand the technology...


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