Novak: Why Comparing the Migrant Crisis to the Holocaust Is Dangerous for Jews
By Jake Novak
Two years after President Donald Trump was elected, you’d think America’s politicians and news media alike would have finally tired of all the comparisons to Nazi Germany.
Novak: What We Can Learn From Sheryl Sandberg’s Fall
By Jake Novak
It was a rare and touching moment of humanity in the otherwise inhuman world of news. Fresh from the sudden tragedy of her husband’s death, Facebook Chief...
Time to Allow Pollard to Go to Israel
By Joseph Frager, MD
On October 1, 2018 the United States Department of Justice denied Jonathan Pollard’s request to transfer his parole to Israel. This was reported in Hamodia and...
Thanksgiving, Modeh Ani, Or Both?
By Ariel Natan Dori
After a recent appointment at an office near Northwell Health, formerly known as LIJ, I decided to take my daily walk in the area around the...
Every now and then it pays to take stock and do an emotional inventory, so to speak. And one of those points of curiosity over the years has been...
Other Side Of The Bench: Truth Or Consequences
By David Seidemann
It began in 1927 with the selection of Charles Lindbergh as Time Magazine’s Man of the Year. Since then, every year the magazine has spotlighted the individual...
In Defense Of Ivanka And Jared
By Ben Chouake, MD (Dr. Ben)
National President, NORPAC
Member of the Board of Multiple Jewish Organizations
While I usually try to stay above the fray of partisan criticism, I was personally...
Aliyah Chronicle: The Vote Is In
By Shmuel Katz
Several weeks ago I wrote an article previewing the upcoming mayoral election here in Bet Shemesh. I analyzed the race and demographic trends here in Bet Shemesh...
As I drive around some areas, I still see some sukkahs standing on porches and in front yards. I don’t know if the people in these homes just did...
Editor’s Blog: Guns and Jews
In the aftermath of the deadly massacre in a shul in Pittsburgh, more people are engaging in conversations about guns. The talk is not just about the danger of...