Looking Back on the Kerestirer Rebbe

Machberes: Inside The Chassidish And Yeshivish World By Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum For the past several years, a large group of chassidim have been traveling to an important gravesite in Hungary, to...

Gedale Fenster: The Tony Robbins of Torah

  By Tobi Rubinstein At first glance, one might think that Gedale Fenster is the subject of a GQ Magazine editorial. His confident demeanor and appearance are contrary to any image...

Orthodox Union Leadership, Synagogue Delegates Unanimously Elect Mitchel Aeder as 18th OU President

Outgoing President Mark (Moishe) Bane Hands Reins to Mitchel Aeder After Six Years Successfully Leading the Organization This week, Mitchel Aeder began his term as the 18th president of the...

From Good To Great: YU Online Course Teaches Rabbis The Art Of Public...

By Rochelle Maruch Miller Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future and affiliate Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) recently launched “Drashas and Shiurim: From Good to Great,” a continuing rabbinic...

Jedwab: Our Chance to Be Different

By Gila Jedwab, DMD I am not a rabbi or a doctor. I have a dental degree and some thoughts. My goal in writing is to help find a way...

The Order of Aliyos to the Torah

A translation of Biur Halacha #136 by Rabbi Yair Hoffman l’ilui Nishmas his father Dr. Nathan Hoffman z”l whose sixth yartzeit is 5 Iyar, Sunday evening. Please feel free to...

Torah Academy For Girls 55th Annual Dinner, February 20

According to dinner chairmen Eliyahu Berger and Yehuda Biber, the 55th annual dinner of Torah Academy for Girls promises to be an event that will touch the hearts of...

Using Reform and Conservative Synagogues and Halacha

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman When one brings up using non-Orthodox synagogues, many respond with an emotion-filled reaction. The truth is one cannot really understand another person without having walked a...

The Mitzvah Tantz: Forbidden Or Kosher Minhag?

  By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The mitzvah tantz is one of the greatest controversies that still remains of the Chassid–Misnaged divide. When Misnagdim first hear about it, they are in a...

The Power Of Tehilim

FIFTEEN THRIVING BRANCHES. HUNDREDS OF COMPLETED SEFER TEHILLIMS EACH WEEK. THOUSANDS OF SUBSCRIBERS. Years ago, R’ Mordechai Friedman, the Rosh Kollel of Tehillim Kollel, was just a young boy. One day, he...

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Assemblyman Ari Brown Calls Out Dangerous Illusion of “Ceasefire” Between Israel and Hamas

        Albany, NY — In light of the ongoing negotiations for a so-called ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, New York State Assemblyman...

I Like Mike

It was a great event. That is, the Israel Heritage Foundation recognizing former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel. The...


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